New Pluralists is a funder and field builder collaborative supporting the expanding community

New pluralism is a way of being and acting in community together. We listen from a place of mutual respect and uphold the sacred dignity, worth, and potential of every person. We confront our past, reckon with our present, and take responsibility for repairing and healing our communities.

Our Obstacle

America is facing extraordinary challenges that require bold solutions — yet we the people are more divided than at any time in recent memory. How can we face our current and future societal challenges in this crisis of division, distrust, dehumanization, and disconnection?

Theory of Change & Building Bridges

We must bridge our divides and reweave our social fabric, bring together people of varied backgrounds and beliefs building community, finding belonging, and draw on our differences to solve shared problems. The values of pluralism are deeply American and support the vision of a politically vibrant, multi-racial, multi-faith democracy.

The Collaborative

Recognizing the vital importance of centering those doing this work, a group of funders have partnered with a set of nonprofit leaders (Field Builders) to shape a shared strategy and guide collective learning. This community, from practitioner to funder, represents many diverse perspectives and experiences. We aspire to embody the pluralist norms and values that we encourage through this work.

The Opening Approach:

  • Leverage the wisdom of those leading the work already underway

  • Amplify existing best practices and invest in new research that can bolster impact

  • Seed experimentation and new forms of collaboration across this landscape

  • Elevate stories of hope and progress

  • Share what we are learning and create “public goods”

The small choices each of us make today, tomorrow, and the next day will shape the future we inhabit together. We made the choice to come together to build a nation of belonging for all. Will you join us?

If you are a funder, information about how to join us here.
To receive email updates from New Pluralists, sign up here.

Read more about the New Pluralists Funders here.
