New Pluralists Ethics Practice
In the service of our mission, and in order to widen the circle of concern, it will be strategic for us to work on topics or partner with people and organizations with whom we disagree—but who may be crucial to advancing our vision. At the same time, we are cautious that we run the risk of becoming morally ambiguous, in ways that cause us to lose sight of our guiding principles.
In fall 2021, members of New Pluralists’ community drafted this practice guide to assess and make choices about how to respond to situations that pose an ethical or moral dilemma. This ethics practice helps us align around what constitutes a moral dilemma that requires our deliberation, as well as offers pointers to identify whether someone is operating “in good faith.” When put into practice, this guide can help us engage diverse viewpoints and better navigate where and how we “draw lines,” as well as where and when we find ways to support restoration and healing when harm is done.