Meet the New Pluralists Funders

Our governing council of Core Partners includes Acton Family Giving, Einhorn Collaborative, Fetzer Institute, the Hewlett Foundation, The Klarman Family Foundation, the Charles Koch Institute, and the Lubetzky Family Foundation, and Affiliate Partners include Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Walmart Foundation.

Here are some of their reflections on the importance of this work:

“Joining New Pluralists feels like a natural extension of our Empathy Building Initiative. Its focus on belonging, connection, cohesion and trust are direct results of increased empathy. Sitting at a table with a diverse set of Field Builders and funders, who come to this work with their own lens and goals, being in community and practicing walking the talk, is an exciting exercise in plurality and learning journey for us.” – Emma Pompetti, Acton Family Giving

“It is my hope that this funder collaborative will enshrine and perpetuate a new way of being, as individuals, as a sector, and as a society. New Pluralists is an early seed of a larger vision for culture change, both within the field of philanthropy and in America. To truly realize our nation’s founding promise, we must reckon with the wounds of our past and repair the fractures of the present to discover what’s possible when we come together across our differences to see our shared humanity.” – Jenn Hoos Rothberg, Einhorn Collaborative

“At Fetzer, we diagnose the current malady of our democracy as primarily a spiritual — not an ideological, political or policy — challenge, to be healed with Love and a shift in consciousness in how we relate to one another. We’re committing to New Pluralists in this crucial moment because our work together aims to foster a bigger sense of ‘we’ by engaging others across differences with curiosity, openness, mutual respect, dignity, and love.” – Sharif Azami, Fetzer Institute

“The diversity of values, beliefs, and agendas in our country is a feature, not a bug, of our constitutional design, and our democracy will only flourish if we can embrace healthy pluralism over dysfunctional polarization. New Pluralists can help illuminate the path forward on this imperative.” – Daniel Stid, U.S. Democracy at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

“At the heart of The Klarman Family Foundation’s work is strengthening our democracy—addressing the structural issues and how we connect to each other as people. It takes a willingness to listen deeply, lead with questions, and act intentionally. We’ve found that shared spirit in the other members of New Pluralists. Together, we’re investing in communities and change-makers who are bringing people together across deep cultural divides to find common ground. This collective work is needed now more than ever.” – Jonathan Horowitz, The Klarman Family Foundation

“Working alongside a diverse group of funders and field leaders is more than a benefit. It’s essential to this initiative. No one person has all the answers, and we’ll all grow from this group’s willingness to challenge one another and ourselves. The divisiveness our nation faces is significant. But we have confidence this emerging, dedicated field is positioned to meet the moment.” – Sarah Cross, Free Speech and Peace at the Charles Koch Institute

“New Pluralists is an active representation of the Lubetzky Family Foundation’s mission to build communities rooted in empathy, respect, reflection and justice. Alongside this group of leading thinkers and doers, we hope to foster a vibrant culture of pluralism where we embrace our differences as a source of strength. Together, we will work towards creating a society in which we appreciate our shared humanity, authentically listen to one another, and collaboratively solve problems.” – Michael Johnston, Lubetzky Family Foundation 
